Encouraging Pollinators

September 22, 2011 Posted by Tlittle

Pollinators refer to the ‘vector’ animals that pollinate flowers enabling the creation of fruit and vegative reproduction. Common pollinators in the USA include Bees, Hummingbirds and butterflies.

The diminshment of pollinators is of great concern and significance, as without their presence plants will not be able to reproduce (unless they are ‘Asexual’ ie; they reproduce solo) which would devastate  vegetative biomass, damaging the bottom of the food chain leads to the the greatest effect on biodiversity.  This doesn’t just mean that we couldn’t have pretty gardens, it is estimated that 30% of all food we eat is the result of the work of pollinators (grains, fruits, vegetables) and only 20% of all crops do not require their involvement. It is estimated that if pollinating flowers for crops had to become manual labor, it would represent the biggest industry in the world.

Planting flowering plants is the natural way to not only attract  but provide for pollinating species. Seeing as habitat loss is the major threat to pollinators it helps a lot if you plant flowering plants throughout your garden where possible. Keep in mind that both Butterflies and Hummingbirds are migrating species, so they require food stations throughout their travels (think of water stands in a  marathon) so it is not just sufficient to provide small spread out nation parks for the the provisions of these animals. Limit the use of pesticides where possible int he garden as they will kill off the caterpillars that meta-morph into Butterflies and Bees. It is said that Bees are attracted to yellow, so if you aren’t too comfortable on the presence of Bees, it is best to limit yellow flowering plants.

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